Pata Chitta TN provides detailed information about the land records 2024. TN e-services provide services that include pattachitta download, FMB map online, TN patta chitta online status check, and patta TN, etc. You can check your registry, and download the maps, transfer applications, and other land records information.
TN Land Records e-services features
Tamil Nadu Patta Chitta provides a lot of features about the land records. Below is the list of all the features.
Patta Chitta and RTPS help people in Tamil Nadu get land record details easily through online services.
View and Download Uragam/Nadham TN Patta and Chitta
Uragam/Nadham are the most important documents. You can view, check, and download Uragam/Nadham online. It includes a few simple steps. Follow the steps given below to view and download Uragam/Nadham online.
- To view or download Uragam/Nadham, first of all, visit the official website. Visit website
On the home page of the website, you will get a lot of options. Now click on the Patta Chitta Details – (Uragam/Nadham) option.

2. After that, you have to select your District, Circle, and Village. You can also use Patta No., Circle, and Name to get details.
3. Choose any of the mentioned options according to your preferences. Now enter your Land Type, E Number, and Authentication Value. After that, click on the Submit button.

4. After pressing the submit button, you will get land ownership details on your screen. The details include the Name of the land owner, Survey Number, Land Description, and other such details.

5. In the bottom of this information, you will get a print button. Click on that button and you will get the print of Uragam/Nadham. You can also download Uragam/Nadham.
If you are facing any issues, then repeat all the above-mentioned points correctly. Fill in the accurate information and try again.
Patta Chitta and Sewayojan are both government services that help people. Patta Chitta makes it easy to check land records online in Tamil Nadu, while Sewayojan portal login helps people find jobs and related services.
How to register and login e-services
It is very easy to register and log in. Follow the steps given below to register and log in successfully.
- First of all, visit the official website of pattachitta e services.
- Register yourself by providing your phone number, email address, and user name. Then set your unique password.
- Now click on register and verify your identity.
- If you want to log in then fill in your username and password and press login.
e-Services Tamilnadu Full Details
Commissioner of Land Survey and Land Taxation
No.1, Survey House, Kamarajar Road,Chepakkam, Chennai – 600005
Phone Number
Email adress
Official website
e-Services Tamilnadu Full Details
Tamil Nadu Patta Chitta’s application status for Tamil Nadu is available online. You can check the online application status on the official website and also on the official app. It is very easy to check the status. You can check in a few simple steps. Click on the button given below to check the status now.
Follow the steps and check your application status now. If you are facing any issues checking the status, follow the steps in order and try again. You can also read complete information about how to check patta online application status from here.
FMB Map Download Online
Tn Patta Chitta FMB is available online. You can view and download the Fmb map online. It is available on the official website and the official app. You can read more about patta chitta app from here. You can view and download FMP online in a few easy steps. Click on the button given below to view or download FMB online and complete information on how to download it.
EC (Encumbrance Certificate)
It is the history book of land. It tells if the land have and debt or complaints in the past. It is necessery to check the EC of land before buying because EC shows the complete history of the land. Therefore make sure to check the Patta TN EC before buying any kind of land in Tamil Nadu. You can check it on the official TN e services portal.
Online Transfer Application
- Official website
First of all, visit the official website.
Online transfer is possible. If you want to transfer your land ownership from one person to another person, you can apply for transfer online. Follow the steps correctly to apply for an online transfer. - Register or login
If you are a new user then first of all register yourself on If you are already registered then login into the official website. - Land record section
Go to the land record section and look for the land record transfer option.
4 . Transfer application
Choose the TN Patta and Chitta transfer application or any similar service that provides the facility of land ownership transfer. - Fill the application form
Now you will get an application form. Fill out the application form with all the required information. The required information may include current owner details, new owner details, property details, and other such information. Always make sure to fill in the accurate information. - Submit
Review the filled information and make sure that you have filled the accurate information. After it click on the submit button to submit your application.
You will have to pay the fesses only through the portal. You will get more information about the payments on the official portal. - Receipt number
After finishing the submission, you will receive a receipt number. Save that number for future needs. - The Track Application Status
service portal provides a tracking feature. Track your application status with the help of the application tracking feature. - Recieve documents
After your application is approved, you will get the updated documents online. You may also have to receive the documents from the Office of Tamil Nadu Land Registration Department. In this way, you can apply for the TN land transfer. You can get more information about it on the official website. If you want to learn more, then visit the official website.
We have provided detailed information about the Tamil Nadu land bhomi. We have that we have cleared all your doubts.
if you are facing any issues, then feel free to contact us. You can comment on your query or send us an email. We are always here for you.